I write international and regional editorial and feature news stories surrounding conservation, adventure wilderness travel, and ethical safari experiences that put communities and wildlife first.

I also do multi-media news coverage of major conservation events such as translocations or significant conservation operations. I am available for script writing for short-films and occasionally am free for editing / writing commissions on larger bodies of work such as books and magazines. 

Conservation Features + Press Releases

Travel Features

Walk Luangwa:

4000 word COVER FEATURE for Travel Africa Magazine

In 2020 I walked over 350 kilometers along Zambia’s wild and remote Luangwa River with two other teammates in order to raise awareness and share stories about the communities whose lives were affected by loss of income from Covid-related tourism cancellations. Our walk took us seventeen days through three national parks and five game-management areas. Along the way we interviewed and documented the stories of local conservationists who were invited to walk with us for various sections of the walk.

Book Commissions + In-depth Cover Features


Empowering the People of Botswana through Tourism:

Our Journey Together

40 years with Botswana's Desert & Delta Safaris

In 2020 I wrote and co-edited a 16 000 word book on Desert & Delta Safaris, one of Botswana’s oldest and most progressive safari companies.


“Destination Kafue” was an editorial travel short-film promoting Zambia’s Kafue National Park as an up-and-coming destination under African Parks Network.It won a Silver Award in the Tourism Destinations - Regions awards 2024.

"Our Authentic" - a short-travel film for Classic Zambia won a Silver Award in the Tourism Video 2024 Tourism Destinations - Regions.